Monday, February 27, 2012

Training With Humor

Just admit it. This guy is FUNNY!
Have you ever looked at which blogs and Youtube posts get the most action? Sex and violence probably rate the highest, with funny coming in at a close third. Since using sex or violence in organizational training doesn't seem to be the smartest idea, using humor is probably the best alternative.
Let's be honest.Training isn't always very funny. Just say the words, "multiple choice exam," and a deep snore resonates throughout the training room (second only to the words "power" and "point"). 
Funny works. Funny is memorable, and funny takes away the insecurities that people feel when learning new things. This doesn't mean that a person has to be a stand-up comic. Humor needs to come across as genuine and appropriate--not forced. 
There are some easy ways to use humor.
Some examples are:
  • To introduce a topic 
  • To illustrate what NOT to do (think customer service)
  • To convey a situation that is "over-the-top" 
  • To break the ice (think timid technology users)
The use of animation and other online tools can also be a great way to introduce humor in an appropriate way. You don't even have to be the funny one. You can use Youtube clips, or other resources to create your own personality. The key to using humor correctly is to make sure it matches with the presentation style, and is appropriate for the organization. If that fails, you could just bring a picture of this little blue-shirted gentleman, and I'm sure he'd create quite a stir. 

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