Let's be honest. After a day of watching presentations, the last thing anyone wants to do is go home to review the material that she picked up. Knowing that, I wanted to create a mini-learning portal that housed the resources I used for the presentation. I can also move this to the LinkedIn WLPI group if others feel it is helpful.
Here we go:
I used Prezi to make the Zooming presentation. There is a bit of a learning curve with this cloud-based application, so it's worth it to watch a few instructional videos.
The presentation itself compared first impressions of Pinterest to Delicious for bookmarking articles (and inspiration). Both have their advantages and disadvantages, so it would be worthwhile to read a bit more about each one.
For taking notes, I love graphic organizers. I recently found an iPad app that does basic organizers very well. It's called Tools 4 Students. Another great one for adults is iThoughtsHD for amazing organizers on the go.
It's been a pleasure getting to know everyone in WLPI. I wish you all the best, and I hope you stay in touch! You've all taught me quite a bit.